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KenBridge Family Visitation Servicess proposes to provide Supervised Exchanges and
Supervised Visitations. The plimary goal of these services is to provide a safe environment where
non-custodial parents can visit with their children.


The objectives of our services are to:

1) Ensure the safety of parents and children during visitations;​

2) Provide non-custodial parents an opportunity to maintain a relationship with theirchildren;​

3) Observe and document the interactions between non-custodial parents and children;​

4) Model appropriate parenting behaviors for the visiting parent;​

5) Continually identify any safety issues that could put the child or victim in harm's way;​

Off-Site Supervised

Visitation Monitor


Supervised visitation is visitation between a parent and child held at a neutral location. Supervised visitations are closely monitored by a member of our supervised visitation staff who may intervene when necessary to ensure parent/child interactions.

Monitored Exchanges


A monitored exchange occurs when both parents meet with a monitor at a pre-arranged neutral location to exchange their children for their scheduled visitation time. The neutral location will be at an off-site location. Staggered pick-up and drop-off times can be arranged so that the parents do not have to come in contact with one another. The actual exchange is monitored by our supervised visitation staff who attempt to ease the process for the children.

Telephone Monitoring


Telephone Monitoring occurs when a visitation monitor supervises a phone call between a parent and their child, being monitored through conference calling.

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